Seabrook 5k/10K – Sat Nov. 15th


P1010009Come join us for a walk along Galveston Bay in the southeastern corner of Harris County, as we stroll through the City of Seabrook’s hike and bike trails.  Come stroll down to Galveston Bay and walk onto the fishing pier.

This is not a speed event. You are encouraged to bring along your children and walk/talk and spend some time together enjoying the great outdoors.  All are welcome to come walk with us.

Start/Finish point and registration:  Miramar Park and Pool Pavilio,  1900 N. Meyer Rd., Seabrook, Texas 77586

START TIME: 9:00 – 12:00.   Walkers must be off trails by 3 p.m.

This is a Volksmarching event and you will need to register to get a start card. We request a $3.00 per person donation to help defray the cost of hosting the event.

When you finish (anytime before 3 p.m.) you turn in your start card. If you…

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Monday-Morning Moving: Play On Your AARP

Thank you Ariana

Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection

AARP 2By Ariana Arghandewal

Most people think of AARP as a senior-citizens’ organization. While AARP does market itself to people over 50, anyone can join regardless of age. That’s good, since AARP offers some substantial travel discounts. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or take one vacation a year, AARP’s travel discounts can dwarf the $16 annual fee.

Here are some of AARP’s best travel deals, and how to take advantage of them.

AARP 3British Airways Discount: AARP’s most substantial discount by far is the British Airways airfare discount. Members who book round-trip airfare through a designated link get $65 off economy fares, $130 off premium economy, and $400 off business and first-class fares.

The real value here is the $400 premium cabin discount. You may not have $4,000-plus lying around for a first-class ticket, but occasionally British Airways and Virgin Atlantic get into a fare war that results in business-class fares from the West Coast to…

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The problem with self improvement is knowing when to quit. Mediocre people sometimes attain amazing success because they don’t know when to quit. We don’t quit playing because we grow old, we grow old because we quit playing. And boxing champ Bernard Hopkins,50, will quit when he’s wrinkled…

Any man with a wife is used to listening to orders. So when one (or was it all?) of my exes used to ‘order’ me to quit drinking coffee in the morning I would plead: ‘But then I’ll have to drink my bourbon straight!’

No doubt the whole fifth.

At that she would look at me sort of cockeyed — or, at least, after my third cup she/they always seemed that way — and snort: ‘You’ll get used to it…’

Or not…

Hmm… Another devious devil in a red flannel nightgown.

And sometimes I used to challenge the female Lucifer to a wrasslin’ match. With the loser giving up coffee and the winner giving-up ‘sum’. Trouble is, when you wrassle a gorilla you can’t quit when you’re tired. You can only quit when she’s tired.

And without my coffee I am always tired.

Hmm… I think I have a problem…

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Rent a medical rollator walker

Topro USA is now offering walker rentals for the Troja 2G Premium Plus M. If you or your loved one are in need of renting a walker short term, you can now rent a premium quality walker at an affordable cost and for short periods of time. If you like you can also apply your rental cost towards full ownership. We will not charge more than the full value. This is also a great opportunity if you or your loved one just want to try a walker. For some individuals it is easier to agree to use a walker if they think it is temporary. Once they use it, they may find out that it is not that bad to use a walker after all. For many individuals, there is a psychological hurdle to overcome before agreeing to use a walker. Individuals may feel that they are handicapped and do not want to be seen as a walker. There are many reasons why seniors or individuals have a hard time agreeing to use a walker. But now Topro makes it even easier to experiment using a walker or simply bridging time before a walker or rollator is no longer needed at low cost. Renting a walker has never been easier. Simply call Topro at 1 877 222 8805 and Topro will ship one to you. Rates start at $10 a week. Topro walkers come fully assembled and are ready to go in no time. You simply need to adjust the handles to the right height and off you go. Walkers are new and/or refurbished and disinfected after every rental.

The Changing Views of Care Homes in the UK

Great blog!

Apartments in Sussex

Mr Stevens, Chief executive of NHS England has recently talked about his disappointment if nursing homes still could be found in the next 50 years probably because nursing homes are still understood as ‘a place to die’. However, quite different approach and perspective to nursing homes is in Denmark since 1987, where the construction ofcare homes for older people had been stopped and a new concept of independent living has started to develop – the country has encouraged the developments of independent specialised housing for elderly.

According to D.Perkin, a director in one of the companies in health sector, the statement of NHS chief executive is correct – older people should receive more support at home – however in order to implement this idea in the UK and facilitate the same level of support, healthcare practices, social service for seniors as it is in Denmark of Japan would…

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Grandparents: Surrogate Parenting

Grand Daughters Rising

Photo credit: ingridf_nl / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

As more grandparents and relatives are stepping up in the absence of the biological parents, so have support groups and programs to help.  

In Dutchess County, Poughkeepsie (NY), there is the Relatives As Parents Program (click underlined to be linked to program’s website). The program (a.k.a. RAPP)  provides support services to both the relative caregivers and their children. 

Reasons for the parents’ absence (as highlighted in our other posts) always vary.

The RAPP’s website list a few: 

  • teen pregnancy
  • an adult parent’s substance abuse
  • financial problems
  • incarceration
  • death
  • homelessness
  • deployment

Support services by Relatives as Parents Program include:

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10 Reason Why to choose a 4-Wheel Rollator Over a 2-Wheel Walker


1. Feeling More Confident!

Elderly who have used 4-wheel walkers have said that they go out walking more often.  They feel more confident going on walks and their weight is distributed more evenly. Senior citizens feel safer and dare to walk more often!

2. Less Falls!

On a study done at Central Michigan University on elderly women, it showed that 1/3 of the women who were given a new 4-wheeled walker had not fallen since.  Of the women who fell, the walker was not the reason, there had been other consequences.

3. Feels Normal!

Users of 4-wheel walkers feel like they are walking more naturally then those who use 2-wheeled walkers.

4. Rest Anywhere and Everywhere!

On 4-wheel rollator walkers, there is a seat so those who get tired easily and need to take a quick break can do this easier.  Plus, the wheels make it easy to swing it around your body so you can sit with out having to walk in a circle to find the seat.

5. Easier to Stay Active!

With the more natural walking feeling when using a rollator walker, it’s easier for senior citizens to be more active and WANT to stay active!  Staying active reduces the risks of fractures, which are very common in the elderly.

6. Enjoy the Outdoors!

The rollator walkers have a lot more mobility than 2 wheel-walkers making it easier get get around outside!  Makes it easier to walk around gardens, or parks when with grandchildren.

7. Get Healthy!

Those with a 4-wheel rollator walker find it easier to get around, giving them more motivation to get to a physical therapy program or other types of extra exercise programs.  Exercising helps maintain bone and muscle strength which results in less injuries.

8. No More Lifting!

Some complain about the lifting of the walker that is needed when using a 2-wheeled walker.  With a 4-wheeled walker, no lifting is needed and people have reported less back and arm muscle pain.  Also it saves energy to not have to lift the walker to walk around!

9. Smooth Rides!

Most 4-wheeled rollators have larger wheels in the front.  This makes for a smooth walk over any rough grounds such as walking through grass.

10. Feel Safer!

4-wheeled walkers come with easy to use brakes!  With quick response brakes, it increases the users control making them feel more safe when walking around.

Next time you are looking for a new walker or helping a parent or grandparent pick one out, don’t forget these benefits of a 4-wheel rollator walker!  Featured in the picture on the left is the Basic ToPro walker!  Check it out now at ToPro USA!